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Privacy Policy

This page talks about how Blogofix keeps your information safe and private.

Blogofix collects some information about you when you visit their website, such as your IP address. We also collect your email address if you use our contact form. This is solely to respond back to you.

We use this information to run our website, improve it, and send you updates or messages.

Blogofix also uses small files called cookies to remember things like your preferences on our website.

Some companies that advertise on Blogofix's website may also collect information about you, like your IP address.

If you're under 13, Blogofix doesn't want to collect any personal information from you.

You have rights over your personal information, like asking Blogofix to delete it.

Blogofix may update this privacy policy sometimes, so you should check it regularly.

If you have any questions, you can email us at [email protected].